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By Sharon Aron Baron
We’ve added the Broward Sheriff’s Office Police dispatch channel to Parkland Talk, so don’t forget to turn the volume up and be patient as there is not always local activity taking place.
Listening to police scanners is legal in Florida; however, driving with a police scanner is restricted. In some cases, you will have to obtain an actual license to operate a police scanner.
Using a scanner requires residents’ responsibility, so if SWAT activity is underway or a crime is in progress, listeners could find themselves in trouble if they pass on private information or provide tip-offs to others — and endanger law enforcement officers. This means, wait for the police activity to be over before reporting specific information on NextDoor, Facebook, or Twitter.
Find the Broward Sheriff’s Office scanner on the front page of our desktop site. On mobile, hit the menu button at the top. Or you can visit directly Broward Sheriff’s Office Police Dispatch.
If you’d like to hear Coral Springs Police, visit Coral Springs Dispatch.
Our scanner is presented by CoralSprings.com.
Send your news to Parkland’s #1 news source, Parkland Talk.
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