The following garbage, recycling, bulk, and household hazardous waste information is from the City of Parkland.
In September 2024, WM (Waste Management) introduced a more efficient, eco-friendly, and safer trash collection service using trucks with automatic lifting arms to empty garbage carts.
Furthermore, residents received one new—and FREE—trash cart. Your trash collection service days will remain the same. Everyone will receive one free 96-gallon trash cart. If you prefer a smaller cart, you can easily exchange it for a 65-gallon cart (information on how to do that with WM is forthcoming).
The new garbage trucks are fueled by compressed natural gas, so they burn cleaner and run quieter in your neighborhood. The automatic lifting arms also make for a safer collection system.
Author Profile
![2025 Parkland Garbage, Recycling and Bulk Pickup Dates 7 Sharon Aron Baron](
- Sharon Aron Baron is a Parkland resident and editor of Talk Media. She has been covering Parkland news since 2012. Parkland Talk was created to provide News, Views, and Entertainment for the residents of Parkland.
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