By: Jill Fox
On Wednesday, leave your cars at home. All three Parkland Elementary Schools will be participating in International Walk to School Day.
Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky said, “Parkland has participated in Walk/Bike to School Day for many years thanks to the initiative taken by our Education Advisory Board in 2008. The day is a great opportunity for parents to leave the car at home and for students to get some exercise while meeting up with friends and neighbors to walk or bike to school.”
Heron Heights, Park Trails and Riverglades Elementary Schools are among the 305 schools in Florida celebrating this quality time for kids and parents.
Why Walk or Bicycle to School?
Research has shown that one-time events like Walk to School Day can increase the number of students who walk or bicycle to school even weeks after the day of the event.
“Walking to school with your child not only gives parents the opportunity to start their day off on the right foot, it also gives them the chance to discuss basic safety rules so that kids feel safe in their community.” Said Arlene Manville, Intern Principal at Park Trails Elementary.
Fewer children walk or bicycle to school than did so a generation ago. But, with almost 4,200 schools registered nationwide, it’s a great opportunity for children not only to start their days happy, but to feel independent, explore their neighborhoods and get physical activity as part of their daily routine.
According to the organization Safe Routes to School, Walk to School Day events can even help encourage communities to implement policy or engineering changes that make it safer to walk and bike to school.
This event will be held Wednesday, October 10, 2018.
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