{Crak You Bags}
By Jill Fox
Before the first candle is lit, join Crak Your Bags for some Hanukkah fun centered around Mah Jongg.
On Monday, November 27, at 7:00 p.m., attendees will gather for latkes and vodka, and Mah Jongg, of course.
Crak Your Bags has been organizing these nights out as an opportunity for moms to socialize and play Mah Jongg with friends, have food, and have fun while helping a great cause.
At the annual event, donations will be collected for JAFCO (Jewish Adoption and Family Care Options), whose mission is to provide care, safety, and support to children and their families who are impacted by abuse, neglect, trauma, or developmental disabilities.
The organization hopes to fulfill eight Hanukkah wishes for three children in need.
Players will gather at Family Bagels of Long Island, 5906 Coral Ridge Drive, on Monday evening. Registration is $40 and includes latkes, dessert, raffles, and a few surprises.
“I really look forward to these moms’ nights out at Family Bagels,” said Alison Wasserman. “Mah Jongg, mitzvahs, food and drinks, it checks all the boxes.”
You don’t have to play Mah Jongg to participate. Anyone can donate any amount via Venmo @Crakyourbags and put “JAFCO” in the message or visit their Amazon wishlist.
Space is limited, so register in advance at crakyourbags.com/events.
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