Parkland Vice Mayor Bob Mayersohn.
A Message from Vice Mayor Bob Mayersohn
In most places of the country, October is the month when you can embrace the change of seasons. In those areas the leaves change color, the weather gets cooler, and the days get shorter.
In South Florida we hope that the temperature subsides, we pray that any potential hurricane winds will dissipate off the coast, and maybe we’ll embrace that fall ambiance by decorating our homes, in part, with the fallen pinecones at the Six Acre Wood Park.
October is also the month that has seen our community unite around various causes, including Breast Cancer Awareness Month. These community events not only create awareness but additionally raise funds to support the cause. The challenges of COVID-19, however, have reshaped these events. Groups such as Not My Daughter Find a Cure Now will be pivoting back to their October 25 Telethon and the Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department has canceled its annual pasta dinner for the second consecutive year.
Other awareness events include Firefighter Prevention week, which is October 4-8. “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety” is this year’s campaign. The goal is to educate everyone on how to react when hearing those chirping or beeping alarms. The City of Parkland will also be celebrating National Walk/Bike to School Day on October 6th at Heron Heights, Riverglades, and Park Trails Elementary Schools and Westglades Middle School. Family participation is a great way to encourage physical activity and review safe pathways to school.
Yet, what resonates with me in October is inspired by my son Garrett, who was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, it is the acknowledgment of Disability Awareness Month. From the City of Parkland’s perspective, we embrace the values of diversity and recognize the differences in abilities as we seek to build a more inclusive community. This is evident by our efforts to achieve the designation as an Autism Friendly City.
Through my personal lens, as a 26-year disability advocate, it is about incorporating disability awareness into the larger conversation. It is about unpacking social injustice, prevalent stereotypes, equal opportunities for employment, and access to quality education. Although there have been positive strides made in addressing challenges and creating solutions there is still a long way to go.
Our city calendar is filled with some incredible community activities. The Parkland Dash kicks off on October 17 benefiting our schools, student scholarships, and Parkland Buddy Sports as the not-for-profit beneficiary. Hope you’ll sign up by visiting: cityofparkland.org/dash.
Other events include The Pumpkin Patch which opens on October 25 and the Halloween Festival which begins at 5:30 pm on October 25. To see other upcoming city events please visit: cityofparkland.org/calendar. Our City Commission meetings this month will be on Wednesday, October 6th, and Wednesday, October 20th starting at 7:00 p.m. You can see our agenda at cityofparkland.org/cc and watch our meetings via live stream at cityofparkland.org/livestream.
Finally, I want to thank Mayor Walker for allowing me the opportunity to again be the monthly guest contributor. It has been an honor.
Bob Mayersohn
Vice Mayor, City of Parkland, Florida
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