Mayor Rich Walker
A Message from Mayor Rich Walker
As a City of Parkland resident, I am proud to say that we have achieved unprecedented successes as a community over the past 12 months. And, as mayor of our amazing City, I am pleased to share that more historical gains are on the horizon.
In early April, the City held its Strategic Planning Retreat, in which the City Commission and staff reviewed, updated, and reprioritized best practices for governance, in order to continue to insure our dynamic future. And in March, we hosted Parkland Day, which included a parade, a luncheon honoring the many volunteers that serve as a positive force in our community, and an evening of local entertainment, music, and great food.
In that same celebratory mode, I believe the accomplishments of the past year should be shared in person. I will host State of the City 2024 at 6:00 p.m. on May 22, at 6600 University Drive – a culminating event that shines the spotlight on how our leadership and vision continue to inform our strong sense of community and drive our flourishing economy.
During State of the City 2024, I will share an update on Loxahatchee Road improvements, a monumental project that has temporarily changed our navigational rhythms but will be well worth it in the long run. And this year, we also heard directly from you. After holding two public outreach meetings in January, the City and our conceptual design partners know more about what residents want in our new premier commercial property where families can explore, dine, and enjoy upscale amenities during their free time.
I will also talk about a large-scale drainage improvement project that will take place in a few areas in the City. We are using a large portion of our $17 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant funding to improve our infrastructure.
And we cannot forget that design plans are underway for Wedge Preserve Park, which will change and enhance the scope of outdoor recreation in our community – a park concept that is sure to be family-focused and kid-approved.
I am inspired by our City’s progress. Mark your calendar and make plans to spend the evening with us later this month, as we learn more about the projects and improvements that will positively impact our life experiences for years to come.
Use your smartphone to scan the QR code and RSVP to the City of Parkland’s State of the City 2024.
I look forward to seeing you there.
If you have questions or comments you would like to share; I would love to hear from you. I can be reached via e-mail at rwalker@Cityofparkland.org or via cell phone at (973) 390-1453. Of course, I am frequently available monthly at Parkland businesses and love to talk with residents there. I encourage you to visit the City’s website Cityofparkland.org, and click on the social media icon that you prefer to ensure that you stay informed on events and helpful information.
Rich Walker
City of Parkland, Florida
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