Mayor Rich Walker
A Message from Mayor Rich Walker
With talk of record temperatures and an active hurricane season, we have a lot to think about this summer and into the early fall months. Being prepared is key, but it is also important to remember the basics as we enter some of the hottest days of the season.
Here are some points to consider and keep in mind:
- Hurricane prep: Don’t take Hurricane prep for granted. Take a moment to make sure you have everything you need. Visit www.CityofParkland.org/344/Hurricane-Resources for several helpful checklists and links.
- Fireworks safety: Fireworks can be dangerous if not handled properly. Follow all safety instructions and only use fireworks in designated areas.
- Stay Cool: If you spend a lot of time outside, something as simple as a shade tree is important. If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or have a headache, move to a cooler area and drink water. If possible, plan strenuous activity in the early morning or evening and avoid the hottest part of the day.
- Hydrate: As temperatures rise, it is important to drink plenty of water and other fluids. Dehydration can cause fatigue, dizziness, and other health problems. Make sure to carry water with you when you are out and about and encourage children to drink fluids regularly.
- Stay Safe in the Water: Whether you are swimming in a pool or at the beach, it is important to follow water safety rules. Always swim with a buddy, and never leave children unattended near water. Make sure to follow posted signs and warnings.
Keep these simple tips in mind and stay vigilant and aware of potential hazards. Summertime is always more enjoyable when we take precautions to prevent weather-related and seasonal accidents and injuries.
If you would like to share your thoughts or if you have questions or comments you would like to share, I would love to hear from you. I can be reached via e-mail at rwalker@cityofparkland.org or via cell phone at (973) 390-1453.
I am frequently available monthly at Parkland businesses and love to talk with residents there. I encourage you to visit the City’s website, cityofparkland.org, and click on the social media icon that you prefer to ensure that you stay informed on events and helpful information.
Rich Walker
City of Parkland, Florida
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