By Bryan Boggiano
Parkland city officials will discuss the preliminary 2023 fiscal year budget at the upcoming city commission meeting on July 12, starting at 7 p.m.
The city will propose keeping the millage rate the same at 4.2979, but the final rate could be lower, according to city documents.
Staff additionally analyzed a rolled-back rate of 4.1970 and a maximum rate of 4.8997. The rolled-back rate would need a majority vote, while the maximum would require approval from four of the five commission members.
Despite staff recommending that the rate remain the same, residents would see increased property taxes due to increased property values.
City officials estimate that leaving the millage rate unchanged will result in an increase of $2,182,931 in ad valorem revenue, increasing Parkland’s total revenue from city taxes by 8.8 percent up to $26,965,411.
The commission will also consider preliminary rates for fire and solid waste assessment.
The preliminary fire assessment for the upcoming fiscal year will be $290 for residential units, $0.6857 per square foot per commercial property, and $0.3654 per square foot for institutional properties.
The fire assessment is $250 per residential property, $0.5911 per square foot for commercial properties, and $0.315 per square foot for institutional properties.
The increased rates will generate an additional $3,650,000.
City officials will also discuss increasing the solid waste assessment for residential properties from $402.96 to $417.00, a roughly 3.5 percent increase.
Residents would go from paying about $13.68 monthly to roughly $14.04.
The rate increase would generate about $440,000 for the city’s budget.
If the city commission approves the rates for 2023, City Manager Nancy Morando will draft a millage form for the Broward County Property Appraiser.
These forms will set the maximum millage rate that the city can charge residents and will be the basis of TRIM (truth in millage) paperwork mailed to residents in August.
Commissioners will discuss the budget further at their Aug. 17 workshop, and hold a resident workshop on Aug. 10 at City Hall, starting at 6 p.m., located at 6600 N. University Drive.
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