Mayor Christine Hunschofsky and Vice Mayor Bob Mayersohn
By Jill Fox
Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky announced she is endorsing Bob Mayersohn for District 4 city commission calling him one of the “kindest, most committed, and capable public servants she knows.”
In a letter to residents, Hunschofsky wrote that she was reaching out to announce her support for her friend and colleague, Bob Mayersohn.
She emphasized how Mayersohn has been a dedicated community leader and advocate in Parkland for over a decade, calling him a “crucial voice on the Parkland city commission.”
A Parkland resident for 24 years, Mayersohn has served on the city commission since 2016 and as vice mayor since 2019.
Mayersohn said he is grateful for her endorsement.
“The trust and confidence that Christine has in my ability to serve our community means a lot. I will certainly miss her as our mayor.”
Hunschofsky explained how Mayersohn has always offered a helping hand and insightful guidance on issues ranging from public safety to small business development, to protecting the city’s parks.
“It is an honor to serve as the mayor of this great city and an honor to serve alongside one of the kindest, most committed, and capable public servants I know — Bob Mayersohn,” she wrote.
Mayersohn is running against political newcomer Robert Brannen in the November 3 election.
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