By Jill Fox
When youth sports received the green light, the Parkland Pokers couldn’t wait to get back in action.
With a long list of guidelines and policies in place, including no handshaking or high fives, the Parkland Pokers 11U team just participated in their first tournament since COVID-19 restrictions began.
The team competed in The Summer Dreams/11&12 USA Rings Invitational last weekend in Vero Beach and won the championship game in a 12 to zero landslide victory.
Team manager Greg Raley said for the past two years, the team has ranked in the top 10 in the country and consistently land in the top 5 out of 300 teams in Florida.
The 14U team was also crowned tournament champions on June 14 at the USSSA Battle at the Beach in Viera.
While some age groups are traveling to tournaments, others are thrilled to be practicing on the field, and some are working on setting up tryouts.
Raley wrote up protocols for how all practices should look. Some examples are not sharing equipment, no sitting in the bleachers, and requiring parents to stay in the outfield to observe.
Some Pokers’ divisions, like 8U, 9U and 10U are planning to hold tryouts in July. Parents interested in more information should email
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