By Jill Fox
Through our joint effort with the Broward Sheriff’s Office to share updates to residents, this is a summary of crimes that occurred in Parkland through September 16. Names of those not arrested have been redacted.
Auto theft
5851 Holmberg Road
On September 9, unknown subjects(s) stole the victim’s vehicle from a parking spot within his community of Bell Parkland Apartments.
7800 block of NW 61st Terrace
On September 10, deputies responded to the home in reference to a harassing phone call and text messages from a female caller. The complainant stated that the caller threatened her, saying she was going to hunt her down and kill her. The text messages the deputy read were not threatening.
8800 block of Watercrest Circle West
On September 15, a detective responded to the BSO Parkland Office in reference to a female caller reporting that her husband had become verbally aggressive and abusive toward her over the past several months. She wished to have this documented.
Drugs/Narcotics offense
11500 Hillsboro Blvd
On September 16, deputies were dispatched in reference to a vehicle that drove off the roadway into the grassy swale. The fire department was on scene and removed the unconscious driver from the vehicle. There was no damage to the vehicle or injury to the driver. Thee and a half (3.5) Xanax pills were located in the driver’s wallet. The driver was transported to Coral Springs Hospital.
6100 block of NW 104th Way
On September 12, the victim responded to the Parkland District Office in order to make a police report regarding a domestic battery that took place between her and her husband. The married couple of 19 years are in the process of a divorce and during an argument, the victim’s husband struck her in the head with a phone. The suspect was not located.
5901 Pine Island Road – Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
On September 11, a parent was exiting the front of the school at Pine Island, when the front gate closed striking the front driver’s side of the vehicle.
7400 Parkside Drive – Riverglades Elementary Elementary School
On September 11, a student made a statement in the cafeteria to another student, which was reported to the school administration. The school administrator notified the school SROs. After speaking with the student, an investigation was completed by BSO and Riverglades Elementary school administration completed the appropriate Behavioral Threat Assessment, which is required by school policy.
10700 Trails End – Park Trails Elementary
On September 9, a report was made on a first-grade student that made inappropriate hand gestures toward his teacher. A threat assessment was completed by school administration and they notified law enforcement two days after the incident.
11000 Holmberg Road – Westglades Middle School
On September 12, a child custody dispute took place at Westglades Middle School. The child did not want to leave school with the mother attempting to check him out earlier, and the school, through advice from their legal counsel, was not going to forcefully remove the child. No court orders were presented at the time.
11000 Holmberg Road – Westglades Middle School
On September 12, a report was received via “Fortify Florida” of a student who made a statement that he was going to “seriously harm” another student who attends the same class. An investigation revealed that a student was getting irate over another student taunting him in class and had made the comment only to make the other student leave him alone. No weapons were involved, and the incident was isolated with both parties separated by the teacher.
Author Profile

- Jill Fox is an Emmy Award-winning writer and producer. She has worked in public relations and television for over 20 years. Fox lives in Parkland with her husband and their two children.
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