Parkland Rangers 10U Team vs. Weston Warriors
By Jill Fox
Registration is underway for South Florida’s premier youth tackle football program.
Comprised of up to six football team divisions and up to six cheerleading squads, Parkland Rangers is open to children, ages 5 to 14.
Parkland Rangers President, Will Billings, has three sons in the program and is excited about the upcoming football and cheer season.
“We hope to bring more kids and families into our program,” said Billings. “We always enjoy getting the kids on the field to develop their abilities and watch them build camaraderie with their teammates and respect for their coaches and opponents.”
As part of the Pop Warner organization, the Parkland Rangers emphasizes academics and minimum play requirements.
The season begins August 1 with certification, training, meeting the coaches, and a jamboree. There are still open positions on the 6U, 8U, 10U, and 14U teams and a waiting list for the 12U team.
All practices and home games will be played at Pine Trails Park, beginning in late August and continuing through the fall. Most travel is within Broward County, with some games in Boca Raton.
Online registration is available, and the cost is $275 per athlete with a $25 sibling discount offered.
Mayor Rich Walker, who has two sons on Parkland Rangers, is a big fan of the Parkland Rangers.
“The amount of preparation they put into their practices and their game plans really separates them from our other programs,” said Walker. “They learn skills they can use going forward, like hard work and dedication.”
Registration will continue online until August 1, and questions can be sent to parklandrangers@yahoo.com.
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