Girl Scouts holding a campfire at Camp Telogia in Parkland.
By: Jill Fox
As the Girl Scouts prepare for the reopening of Camp Telogia, they are seeking support from residents and local business owners to help bring the camp back to life.
The organization wants to collaborate with the Parkland community and discuss their plans for the property and how it can benefit both the Girl Scouts and Parkland communities in a community conversation.
“We know the Parkland community loves green space, so that’s why we’re having the meeting, we know the interest is there,” said Lori Sullivan, chief operating officer of Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida.
Telogia, which means wandering and meandering, is located on 13 acres on Holmberg Road. The only Girl Scouts campsite in Broward County closed in the summer of 2017 due to high costs and underuse.
Through a restriction written into the 56-year-old deed, the property wasn’t sold, and because it remained unused for two years, its ownership reverted back to Broward County, where it was returned to the Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida in January.
The first community conversations were last March and May, but there wasn’t a large turnout of Parkland residents and business owners.
“This is the third open forum to share some of the preliminary plans we’ve made and talk about what kind of support we’re going to need to get there,” said Sullivan.
At these community conversations, making contacts are the organization’s number one goal.
“By sharing our plans, we’re looking for people who might be willing to help us with our needs,” said Sullivan.
These include repairs, infrastructure, gifts in kind, and talking with experts, among other things.
Sullivan explained the Girl Scouts have an idea of what they think will work best, but they have flexibility if someone has a better idea.
As far as when the camp will reopen, it all depends on community support. Without it, the timeline goes more slowly.
The community meeting will also cover how Parkland students can earn service hours on special “work mornings” at the property. Anyone is welcome to help: adults or students, 14 and older. All volunteers need to wear eye protection, such as sunglasses, and bring a pair of work gloves.
The next “work morning” will be held on Saturday, November 16, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
The upcoming community conversation is open to the public and will take place on Wednesday, October 23, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Parkland Recreation Center.
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